Season 5 manages to do something positive with its flashbacks, if you can believe it, with a wig for Oliver that doesn't look like it has its own dark powers. A strong start to what feels like it will be a much more grounded season.
Second Chances wasn't just the theme for Team Arrow, but an effective do-over from the show runners in finally getting an established component of Green Arrow down correctly.
This is the version of Arrow we need. The grounded Arrow that knows its limitations and embraces them. The show was originally designed to be a superpower-less superhero show, and that's what it has decided to be once again in season five.
Arrow just needs to build up some equity with its viewers after a couple meandering seasons. Telling good, solid stories is a start, and "Legacy" does that fairly well.
Arrow continues to follow trends in this genre of superheroes and vigilante justice instead of setting them but season five has begun in a place that feels refreshing.
Arrow season 5 begins the process of rebuilding the show from its lacklustre fourth year, and so far, it appears that the showrunners may have a solid plan in mind to redeem Oliver Queen in the eyes of disillusioned fans.
This is a show that has no problems taking character work, story progression and carefully crafted relationships we've spent hours with and throwing it all out the window for the sake of drama.