New crime stories in the 12th season of the crime-mystery series Murder, She Wrote. Following the successful mystery writer, Jessica Fletcher, while she is trying to do her best to get to the bottom of every crime she faces to find the real doer, not like the investigation of FBI or other security agencies.
Fans of MSW should get a kick out of this good-natured (I think) ribbing of the enemy. Non-fans (of which I am admittedly one) will be too busy watching Friends.
It's painful to have seen Sunday's concluding episode and realize how far "MSW" has slipped from the days when Richard Levinson and William Link oversaw the scripts and production.
It's the same sort of story that Murder, She Wrote has been doing for 11 years now. And, all sentimentality aside, that's part of the problem with the show. It's been doing pretty much exactly the same thing for 11 years now.
Fondly remembered, Murder, She Wrote is a not-quite-great series that's nonetheless a lot of fun for its star, high production values, and top-tier marathon of familiar and famous guest stars.
The show's gentility and adherence to formula wasn't exactly my cup of tea. I never tuned in an episode for pleasure (though when I did so for work, I appreciated the program's craft and confidence). I will miss Murder, She Wrote, nonetheless.