Following the first season, where a FBI agent, Peter Burke, who in order to make the best benefit of a criminal and a thief, Neal, who has been arrested in a theft, as he decides to blackmailing him, in order to manage to arrest other criminals, as he is aware of their minds, plans, and how they make their deals, who accepts the job, where he does a great job, according to his expert on the criminal works.
The leads are fun, and if they can get guest stars the caliber of Matheson every week, I can learn to ignore the arc stuff the same way I do for most USA shows.
White Collar may not be reinventing television as we know it, but it's gotten better at delivering on its strengths - light character drama and caper-ish crime proceedings.
While the second season premiere of White Collar lacks the story progression that fans were hoping for, it's still able to deliver a solid hour of entertaining television.
What White Collar did best, though, was to reestablish the easygoing rhythms and longish, thoughtful-ish colloquies between Bomer's Neal Caffrey and DeKay's Peter Burke.