This comedy TV show presents the life story of comedian Drew Carey as a blue-collar man. The comedy show explores Drew's life, up and down in his long-standing romantic relationships. Drew, on the other hand, fully embodies the course of his strong relationship with his old friends Louis, Oswald and Kate.
Gerry Cohen, Sam Simon, Bob Koherr, Brian K. Roberts, Steve Zuckerman, Shelley Jensen, Thomas J. Thompson, Drew Carey, Gary Halvorson, Michael Lessac, John Fuller, Dennis Erdman
What distinguishes the premiere is its tart writing and the qualities of its cast -- particularly Carey's intelligence, his offbeat, sardonic delivery... and his kinship with material that is largely an extension of his stand-up act.
Drew Carey is funny - even before he opens his mouth... The show's weakness is a negligible supporting cast, particularly Diedrich Bader and Ryan Stiles, who are all too repulsive as the slobby friends.
The Drew Carey Show takes place in Cleveland, Ohio, another factor that makes this program special. Not since The Mary Tyler More Show, which was set in Minneapolis, Minnesota, has a show so nicely displayed life outside the usual major metropolises.