Sequel to the ongoing incident, Archie discovered a Vigilante group known as the Red circle, who may be approached to protect Riverdale High students. Meanwhile the coopers just received a comprehensive letter of the shooting.
[Betty and Veronica's competitiveness] fits neatly into the canon: You're either the Madonna or the whore. Maleficent or Princess Aurora. Sandy or Rizzo. We've got two choices, ladies, and both are reductive.
The narrative is still unbalanced, with hormones once again taking over as melodrama masquerades as intrigue. It was everything we've come to expect from Riverdale.
Riverdale tweaks its DNA in obviously modern ways, even as Gothic mansions and Eagle Scouts continue to populate its periphery. Kevin Keller, Archie's first openly gay character, isn't just present; he's a major part of the ensemble.
This show is as good as TV melodrama gets, achieves maximum bang for it buck in delivering that melodrama without betraying the characters, and also it looks great. Riverdale is no joke.