Gotham - Season 3, Episode 03: Mad City: Look Into My Eyes
Gordon hopes to return the city to the glamorous, purer version he remembers as a child as he chases after an escapee while Bruce's doppelganger roams the streets.
Political ambitions aside, "Mad City: Look Into My Eyes" dredges into the misery that is Jim Gordon's love life - and life in general - while introducing a new villain into the mix.
The bullets are loaded for an exciting revolver of episodes going forward. Riddle me this: will they hit their designated targets as the show advances?
This had some really great moments with just the right amount of quirky humor and logical purpose for Gordon. The Prince and the Pauper is goofy, but the rest delivered.
"Look Into My Eyes," was all about [Mad Hatter's] introduction, having just moved to the city from "up north." And if the mysterious, calm, psychotic Jervis Tetch didn't give you the total heebie jeebies, then you must be as mad as he is.
After all the craziness that happened on Gotham Season 3 Episode 1 and Gotham Season 3 Episode 2, this hour was surprisingly calm, though it did give us a clearer idea of where the rest of the season might be headed.
Samuel's performance as Tetch feels more in line with memorable baddies like Penguin and Nygma. Plus, there's the added benefit that his arrival introduces magic into Gotham's anything-goes storytelling.
The Penguin-running-for-mayor storyline is as tired as it gets, but with nothing else going for it, Gotham gave itself no choice but to beat that dead bird to ultra extra death.