Completing the comedy where the last season stops that follows Rebecca Bunch, a young beautiful girl, lives in New York, where she works at a law firm, who makes her mind and left her whole life and moved to live in California, searching for happiness. In this new season, Rebecca struggles against thinking that Josh falls for her.
No time like the present to celebrate the award-winning manic exuberance of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend's creator-star Rachel Bloom as Rebecca Bunch, the most twisted variation yet on a That Girl romantic heroine.
We're inside what Rebecca refers to as "my woman-brain," and that's a place where TV in general, in dealing with female protagonists, has not ventured nearly enough.
What's interesting about season two is that, while Rebecca may still be sleeping on self-improvement, some of the people closest to her are waking up to the ways they can change for the better.
Friday's marvelous Season 2 premiere kicked off the show's 13-installment sophomore year by drawing a big, fat line between the characters who wanted to move on (Paula and Greg) and the ones who didn't (Rebecca and Josh).
The cadence is the same, with romantic subterfuge being planned like a series of heists, but with the new recognition (at least by some characters) that these fantastical shenanigans affect people's lives.