It is a season full of wonderful comedic events offered by the fun duo Abby and Aylana. The fifth season begins a series of comedy through the 30th birthday where both are celebrated by traveling. Abby and Elena travel from the top of Manhattan to the bottom, make old and new friendships and maybe a trip full of mysterious comedy that looks quite different.
It's not avoiding the hard questions; it's just sticking to what it knows best: An buoyant sense of optimism in the face of mayhem and absurdity. That's to its credit.
An ingenious love letter to friendship and the city in the form of an Instagram Story, perfectly encapsulates the relationship of "Broad City" with the second half of its title.
While I thoroughly enjoyed this [premiere], it did force me to do some introspection on a very sore subject of my life -- my Instagram story game is definitely not lit.