The Gifted is an American television series, follows the X-men series that explores the world of mistreated mutants would have to depend on a mutant institute approach to co-exist with humans.
This latest Marvel concoction is better than ABC's Marvel's Inhumans, which launched on Friday of last week. Still, an overall weariness prevails, perhaps even among the most fanatical Marvel diehards.
In under 45 minutes, The Gifted manages to do what is too difficult for some of the X-Men movies. It introduces nearly a dozen characters, all in meaningful ways, establishes the stakes for this world and even has some epic mutant battles.
The Gifted was enjoyable, kept the plot simple, didn't require too much knowledge of the movie- or comics-verse, and had solid characters who I am already invested in.
If The Gifted hones in more on the family aspects and less on Greater Conspiracies, Fox could have a fun X-Men lite ride on its hands. Just don't expect the same level of complexity as FX's Legion.