A dramatic TV series that follows Maya Travis, the former prosecutor who faced a terrible scandal after losing the most important case at her career. After nearly 8 years, the killer appears again and he seeks to enter a new plot against Maya. But this time, Maya has plans to face him with no rules and she wants to put him in jail by any way.
It is powered solely by Clark's resentment. And though it's rocket fuel powerful enough to keep "The Fix" watchable, it forecloses any insight from a figure who may, decades later, still be too close to a story that, ultimately, is not solely her own.
The money practically drips off the screen; the locales are both lush and texture free; the characterizations are shallow; the writing is geared to the attention deprived. The setup is captivating -- it captivated America for years.
That "The Fix" is a melodrama where no point can be made too bluntly nor any emotion too forcefully expressed can't exactly be called a failing, since that does seem to be the intention.