The series follows five self-absorbed twenty-somethings who become entangled in an ominous mystery when a young attractive former college in the prime of life suddenly disappears.
This is a series requiring a binge watch ... a show ultimately about getting to that final destination. Though not necessarily for answers to the mystery or to anything else.
Search Party reaches an unexpected climax in the finale, which manages to be both terrifying and hilarious, while offering the show's most scathing satire.
That being said, Season 1 of Search Party has a strong voice that proves worthy of trusting up until its final seconds. It's engaging, thoughtful television, and whether or not it can sustain its unique tone isn't pertinent right now.
What began as a venomously funny invitation to loathe hipster millennials morphs into something more dark, nuanced and, dare I say it, celebratory of them.
The final twist is a brilliant comment on our seemingly bottomless urge for a new direction, a curve ball that will startle us out of our hollow complacence.
The way the mystery eventually comes together while allowing for sharp observations about the show's characters speaks to Search Party being much more incisive - and worthy of a 10-hour marathon commitment - than it might appear at first glance.
Blending screwball fizz and sticky melancholy, it basically invents a new genre: the noir sitcom. It is also, at ten episodes, exactly the right length.