Preacher - Season 3 (2018), Episode 03: Gonna Hurt
Jesse Face to Face with Deblanque and Fiore In this wonderful season, there is an entity that goes beyond the body stage and reaches the soul. Jesse, Tulip, and Cassidy try to find God to help and worship him, and the cowboys hunt them down and they are the corners of the three saints. Jesse is making a risky deal with the killer without a reaction.
"Gonna Hurt" proves that Tulip is resourceful and will achieve the goal at hand with no hard feelings or help from other guys. The best part of this episode is the way it presents the parallels between Tulip and Grandma Marie.
Tulip is stubborn as all hell. How do we know this? Because she is rummaging around in Madame Marie's room of macabre goodies like it's all good! Preacher knows how to give a lot in a small window, and this is a great example.
"Gonna Hurt," while still plenty fun, starts to verge into less assured territory. The best thing to be said about the episode is that there's a hell of a lot of Tulip. As much as I love everyone else, I may just love Tulip best.
[Cassidy is] one of those characters who, just looking at him, you laugh. He doesn't even have to open his mouth. This season he's on my last nerve, and to stab Jesse in the back like he did was just unforgivable.
There was a lot of table-setting in Gonna Hurt, which proved to be an episode more focused on setting up the season's arc than with the matters at hand. That's not to say it was a bad episode though - far from it, in fact.
Falls apart a bit, especially in the last several minutes. Jesse and Cassidy may be self-proclaimed besties, but their tug of war over Tulip is getting old.