In this 13 episodes thriller series, Jesse Custer and his Irish vampire girlfriend Cassidy gets caught in a battle between Heaven, Hell and other realms in between when they set on a journey to find God.
The second season of Preacher appears to fully deliver on its promise... Rogen and Goldberg have hand-crafted a fresh take on the source material that's as much of a gift to the fans as Ennis' comics.
Putting the characters together lets Preacher draw much more humor and occasionally emotion from the dynamics between the core trio, boasting an even stranger assortment of attempted accents this season than previously.
Although Preacher Season Two doesn't stick 100 percent to the comics, it draws much more story elements from them than Season One. As a result, the characters are allowed to move in something closer to their natural environment.
With a sharp sense of dark humor and a hefty dose of the old ultraviolence, Preacher returns with a hilarious road trip from hell that provides enough world building groundwork for years to come.