This series explores more dramatic events taking place in 2199. At that time, there was a young woman who lost everything in her life but found a new life at the Earth Academy for Space Training. This girl began to stumble upon her new life by learning to defend the galaxy from the intergalactic threats she always faces.
Lifts so many themes and concepts from Star Trek that Pandora comes off like a fan film made by someone who's desperate to get noticed by the producers of the real thing.
Doesn't seem to realize or care which of its scattered pieces should be its most important, stumbling around draped in all the external trappings of the type of show it wants to be when it grows up, like a little kid playing a haphazard game of dress-up.
There's no character I particularly liked, no relationship that seems particularly interesting and no mystery embedded in the pilot to which I'd like to get any answers.
Pandora feels like a show that should be binged instead of watched week to week... it just feels like a show that's not worth the time investment of watching it in weekly installments.