Doctor Who - Season 12, Episode 01: Spyfall - Part One
Completing the adventures and excitement that follows the Doctor, a great and smart scientist, who travels across time, taking new and different personalities while fighting evils in the world. A new season begins with The Doctor goes in a dangerous mission to save the intelligence agents across the world from the horrible attack.
It was all around a pretty enjoyable episode. But it wasn't until the final moments of the episode that "Spyfall" and Doctor Who kicking things up a notch.
You can feel Chibnall and the rest trying to fix the last season's issues - no returning villains, a lack of serialization - and here's hoping they pull it off.
The Doctor is obviously shocked, but for the audience, it's not a particularly satisfying discovery... Still, it's fun to watch Dhawan flip the switch from mild-mannered alien enthusiast to preening intergalactic criminal.