Season 4 of 'Desperate Housewives' opens with the introduction of new neighbor, Katherine Mayfair, whose secrets will create new drama in the neighborhood. Meanwhile, Lynette deals with her cancer diagnosis and her difficult stepdaughter Kayla.
[Dana Delany] actually seems perfect for this role and looks to be a choice adversary for Bree. And I'm genuinely intrigued as to what the big mystery is surrounding her family.
In an effort to keep itself fresh over its first four seasons, it has jumped the shark, introducing (and ultimately killing off) too many characters and suffering from lazy writing.
[Desperate Housewives is] back in fine form, thanks to an amusing premiere that launched a plethora of promising stories while introducing welcome new residents.
This season of Desperate Housewives was pretty intense, especially since it started with the after effects of the tornado. I really enjoyed it and this season was definitely better than the last.