The drama series continues in Season 3, where a Guatemalan child is dead at the Texas Hospital. Now, many things seem to be revealed as immigration issues take an important turn in the lead. On the other hand, it seems that Kirkman will reveal a set of facts concerning life in the capital, and there is a reckless Russian bomber threatens Seattle and the Crusade will again.
I loved the back and forth between Kirkman and his therapist as he tried to find a reason to justify his decisions -- a justification which painted him in a better light.
This is not a positive review, but the third season is a marked improvement over the two that preceded it; this is still not a show that can manage to be three shows at once, but at least now some of those shows are marginally interesting.
As political drama Designated Survivor season three has the smoke-streaming-from-its-ears quality of a Donald Trump stump-speech. As bursting-at-the-seams pot-boiler it is magnificent.