Completing the excitement where the last season stops that follows the daily activity and struggles of Carrie Mathison, a young smart and courageous detective, who after making an illegal mission in Iraq, has been sent to the anti terrorism center, where she struggles against revealing a conspiracy held against America. In this new season, Max struggles against having a new mission.
My favorite part of the new season, honestly, might have been reflecting on how, after this lengthy Homeland journey, the character who has gravitated up the call sheet by virtue of sheer survival has been Maury Sterling's Max.
Overall the first four episodes made available for review plod along... But then, just as I'm about to write off this final season, something happens at the end of the fourth episode that pulls me right back in. Just like Carrie, I can't seem to let go.
The first three episodes are a bit clunky, with Carrie's familiar pattern of alienating nearly everyone she meets kicking in again - and then Episode 4 comes along and "Homeland" finds its groove.
Lesli Linka Glatter returns for the first two episodes... and, for as much credit as she rightly gets for her beautifully staged and tensely cut action sequences, the performances she evokes in a still or slightly shifting frame are incredible.