This season revolves around a group of community college students. A lawyer gets his fake degree of law revoked, and now attends a community college. Developing an interest in a Spanish student, he forms a Spanish study group to catch her attention, but the group starts to expand, beyond his expectations.
Community loves nothing more than pushing back against traditional industry standards, an impulse that shows no sign of abating in this strange sixth season.
Shows get older. It happens. That said, I laughed, I was happy to see Abed and Britta and everyone else, and I'm hopeful that the newbies will become as quickly assimilated into the group as Buzz and Duncan were last season.
it's hard to shake the feeling that Community's continued existence has taken precedence over purpose. It's an overall diminishment that isn't helped by the shrinking cast.
Community is a niche taste; it makes sense that it has found a home on the internet where those that love it can enjoy it and those that don't can forget about it.
Brewster is a versatile comic actress with a great feel for blasts of absurdity, and she quickly proves to be a great fit for Community's tendency to whip back and forth between banter comedy and straight-up foolishness.
Diehard fans will probably still find much to enjoy, but I'm inclined to think it's time for everybody to graduate from Greendale Community College, and get on with their lives.
It feels familiar and fresh, with myriad possibilities in front of it thanks to smart new cast additions and a renewed focus on those characters over just getting lost in the creatively inane.