Centered on the Harmon family who discover that several violent murders were committed in their new home, which locals have nicknamed 'The Murder House'.
Viewers who like the horror genre and the offbeat Murphy/Falchuk approach, and who are willing to put in enough serious time to absorb all the nuances, will fall in love.
To Murphy and Falchuk's credit, the brisk tempo serves the multiple converging plotlines well, allowing weirdness to befall everyone in their own unique way, while producing a myriad of questions for the viewer to ponder.
American Horror Story is beginning its run with problems, but enough goes right to give this twisted terror tale the ghost of a chance (several ghosts, in fact).
This gourmet junk food gives you some pure evil, and it takes some axes to some evildoers, and the American type represented has a predilection for French maids. Bon appetit.
Prime time is so full of mainstream pabulum these days that when a work as audacious and ambitious as American Horror Story comes along, some of us feel compelled to embrace it. Most TV shows quickly fade from memory. This one will haunt your dreams.