Upon receiving a strange gift of a penguin from his father, Popper, a suitable businessman, who spends his time in work, ignoring his children, the thing that leads his father to send him that gift, struggles against getting rid of that penguins that destroy his life, but by the time, he learns how to reunite with his children.
The good news is that, even though one must pace oneself through the dull parts, usually involving Mr. Popper's dullish family, [Carrey's] in pretty good form whenever he's getting physical
Jim Carrey's farts-and-flippers comedy, which, though exceedingly dumb, is at least very smart about what appeals to 4- to 10-year-old kids, fans of Happy Feet, March of the Penguins, and YouTube animal videos.
Look out for perky Brit Ophelia Lovibond, who provides a perfectly pleasing performance as Popper's alliteration-prone assistant, Pippi, who peppers her pronouncements with a profusion of p's.