Driving by their deep will of investigating on the mysterious death of the crew that go in the first mission to Mars, as tow dead and remains only one man, Luke Graham, a team goes to Mars.
It'll give you an enjoyable tour of the Red Planet, complete with some thrills and sharp computer effects.
Film Threat
December 08, 2002
Typically, while a good screenplay only requires a single author, this unimaginative, derivative dreck required at least four, even with the massive cribbing from 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Though unapologetically old-fashioned and corny, Mission still has its share of nail-biter moments.
Sight and Sound
December 02, 2002
There's some throwaway fancy camerawork at the beginning and a repeat of his shock-shot trick from Raising Cain, but otherwise De Palma's own ride appears to be largely on autopilot.
Whatever's shoddy or limp about Mission to Mars, however conspicuous while the film unfolds, all becomes admirably pale as the full viewing experience recedes and the good stuff emerges in proud bas-relief.