The movie is based on genuine biography of a young Marine corporal whose discipline and attachment with her military dog rescued many lives amid their deployment in Iraq.
Megan Leavey ultimately nails a few moments you weren't expecting it to, almost making up for its lack of focus and unwillingness to commit to its main storyline.
With a female-directed, female-driven film this small, criticizing it feels like beating a baby seal. While well intentioned, the human-and-dog interest story lacks narrative drive and star Kate Mara is a limp noodle.
The film - the feature directorial debut for Gabriela Cowperthwaite, whose orcas-in-peril documentary, Blackfish, struck a nerve - treats the handler/dog relationship with respect, not cheap sensationalism.
This deeply satisfying military drama demonstrates that a simple, even familiar story can be powerfully effective when told with big heart and solid craft.
Kate Mara is raw and riveting in the title role, a marine who ends up in combat in Iraq with a bomb-sniffing German shepherd. It's a true story that earns your tears.