Dreamcatcher tells the story of four young friends who are doing heroic work and are being changed forever because of the strange forces they acquire in return. Years later, on a hunting trip in the forests of Maine, they were overtaken by a powerful blizzard, a ferocious storm in which something more ominous. They must face something to stop the alien force. In the end, they face an unprecedented terror, with the fate of the world at stake.
As soon as Morgan Freeman's alien hunter/military commander turns up, a riveting movie starts morphing into a predictable villain-on-the-warpath action flick.
I challenge you to name a movie with a more convoluted or preposterous storyline.
Common Sense Media
December 22, 2010
This Stephen King is way too scary for kids.
April 22, 2003
King is dreamily free-associating, which doesn't mean he's plumbing his unconscious in search of new nightmare archetypes; it means he's recycling bits of old horror and sci-fi flicks and even setups from his own novels.