The movie follows a former Christian missionary, who lost her faith after her family was tragically killed as she specializes in debunking religious phenomena, investigates a small town which seems to be suffering from the 10 biblical plagues.
He lays the photos out on the floor and the burn marks form a cross with a hook at the bottom, the unmistakable emblem of '70s hard rockers Blue Oyster Cult. Hey, didn't they have a big hit called "(Don't Fear) the Reaping"?
Although terrible, this film does raise ... interesting questions: Why does Hollywood keep ripping off THE OMEN? Why would anyone continue hiring Stephen Hopkins to direct a movie? Why would two-time Oscar-winner Hilary Swank agre to be in this mess?
The Reaping isn't quite bad enough, or even New Testament enough, to qualify as a sign of the impending apocalypse. But by the time it's over, you know you're getting close.
A slick-looking but incredibly schlocky horror film.
May 06, 2007
Is this movie a good old-fashioned good versus evil potboiler or a newfangled political statement about anti-intellectualism? The Reaping could have gone either way, but it did neither, and it did so spectacularly.
The cumulative effect is likely to make viewers weary, but not so weary that they can't manage a chuckle or two during the film's cheesed-out final minutes.