Even with all [the] unanswered questions I'm happy that Teen Wolf has at least answered the Kanima question because it begins to bring our ragtag group of characters into a single pack.
Demons, nightmares and hallucinations: part two of season three of Teen Wolf is off to a strong start as the show allows for psychological drama to take the center stage.
The team behind Teen Wolf certainly did an excellent job sending us off into the fall hiatus with some serious contemplating to do during our time away
Another favorite was the music set against every fight. It was nearly perfect in each scene, making them feel equally frantic and exciting. It was the first time I could remember thinking, "I want a Teen Wolf soundtrack!"
The show is one of the more entertaining supernatural larks on television, accomplishing this unlikely feat by way of its likable cast, stylistic visual swagger, and a surprisingly sharp sense of humor.
I like the way the show uses animal imagery and ties the theme of nature going nuts in with its werewolf mythology, and at times, it even achieves a certain cheeseball horror poetry.