Following the struggles of a group of teenagers, who have went on a trip together, where they struggle against survival, upon being chased by a dangerous and evil serial killer, who seeks to kill them brutally, the thing that brings terrible for them and threatens their life. A video for Audrey and Rachel brings their life to the end.
Luxe environments mixed with bitchy teen entitlement and karmic vengeance drive Scream beyond its slasher-exploitation film genesis to a stylish metaphor about a new generation's excesses and mean-girl cruelty.
...(not) the impactful one-two punch (ending) one would have hoped for...the plot and the denouement end up better than three of the four seasons of American Horror Story...
MTV's television series based on the popular franchise has the same exact archly self-aware tone, but the novelty is long gone, and what we're left with is pointless homage.
There are one or two gory and well-mounted horror sequences, some smart lines, intermittently sharp commentary on online bullying, but Scream: The TV Series is a mostly dull and frustrating experience.
Most of my issue with the pilot comes from execution; ostensibly, they took what was best about Scream and tried to clumsily bend it to the confines of a television show.
An incredibly MTV-in-2015 way to unravel a mystery: ridiculous, meme-obsessed, self-mocking, and fun if you don't think about it too much. Which basically sums up the first season of the network's Scream.