Completing the struggles of the animated series ' Samurai Jack' which revolves around Samurai Jack, who does his best to overcome on the evil in the world and tries to protect it by travelling through time. So, the new season begins with much more excitement when he finished from fighting Aku, he begins to think in strange way and he believes that his Psyche regards the worst enemy for him.
Jack is back and better than ever. The years may not have been kind to the samurai, but his suffering makes for good television, promising a contemplative and compelling season.
Everything glows. One hopes for a happy ending, of course, but what matters most is shape and color, the abstraction of rain on stone, the sun through the trees. It makes "Samurai Jack" endlessly rewatchable: Every picture tells a story.
Samurai Jack season 5 is a matured continuation to the saga that's action packed, emotionally affecting, beautifully animated and endlessly entertaining.
The return of Samurai Jack is a slam dunk that shatters the glass. Everything that made the original show so great is back with more intensity and maturity.
It's hard to tell if this tighter approach to episodic storytelling will reach a satisfying end, since Tartakovsky excels more at bringing us into the heat of the moment than exploring a bigger picture. But he's off to a promising start.