In a new series of powerful and diverse events, the third season tells of more where Tawney seeks consolation and discovers uncertainty. Teddy tries to reconnect with Tony. On the other hand, the Secretariat holds a training seminar. Daniel faces new restrictions from the surveillance officer; Sheriff Daggett investigates the death of George Milton.
Anchoring everything is Young's remarkable work in the lead role, playing a man whose impassive demeanor only occasionally hints at his inner turmoil, illustrated in part through the judicious use of flashbacks to his time in prison.
No series uses quiet to suggest the turbulent depths of unsettled lives with more effectiveness than the subtly affecting and powerful human drama Rectify.
The continuing murder case provides some plot drive, but Rectify's main investigation is spiritual: into forgiveness, grace, the holiness of moments in a finite life.
There's enough to the central plot to make for engrossing drama, but Rectify's true power comes from the smaller character moments and its mesmerizing dialogue.