GLOW returns to the comedy and dramatic events in the third season. The series follows the daily life of women that work for a wrestling organization in Los Angeles during the 1980s. This season begins with a tragedy aired live on TV before hours from GLOW's show in Las Vegas.
This season delves more into character stories and the challenges of living out of a hotel room for three months, than it does of the shenanigans in the ring, but there's still a lot of pizzazz.
Season 3 is a patchwork of meaningful interludes, rote character check-ins, and errant plot threads that quickly unravel. Even Vegas itself is an afterthought.
This season is markedly different in content rather than tone, while dialling up the camp and, more seriously, queer volume to Liberace levels in the move from Los Angeles to Las Vegas.
GLOW has still got just enough shine to hold our interest... but since the change of scene card has already been played just three seasons in, we're not sure if the fun and drama can be sustained for another run.