The show follows children's early steps on the road to stardom under the tutelage of notoriously demanding and passionate instructor Abby Lee Miller, as well as the interactions of Miller and the dancers with their sometimes bickering mothers.
The new worst show on television debuted Wednesday night... an ugly docu-circus featuring a megaton bully of a Pittsburgh dance instructor, the little princesses she costumes as lunatic street whores, and a quorum of strenuously pathetic stage mothers.
Ultimately this is just another example of sensationalized reality TV, made more offensive by its willingness to thrust kids into the spotlight, but it's still bound to draw viewers who like to watch controversy unfold.
I was pleasantly surprised to see a reality series that follows a tough-as-nails dance teacher, Abby Lee Miller, who owns a dance school in Pittsburgh, as she instructs kids who end up winning a lot of competitions.