The film begins when an adolescent lion is accidentally shipped from the New York Zoo to Africa. Now running free, his zoo pals must put aside their differences to help bring him back.
The animation is exquisitely detailed, down to the lions' individually moving whiskers -- but when's the last time you enjoyed a cartoon for its realism?
Fat Guys at the Movies
October 01, 2006
The kids might be better off with a trip to a real zoo, if they haven't had their fill of Madagascar yet.
As a movie that kids will enjoy with a few adult-oriented gags to keep parents from going completely insane with boredom, The Wild accomplishes its unambitious mission.
A bulky, uneven script with too many narrative cul de sacs (including a pointlessly lengthy curling match at the zoo) makes it hard to stay interested in The Wild.
Christianity Today
November 17, 2006
The Wild is pretty tame, and in the increasingly crowded, competitive, survival-of-the-fittest world of computer animation, it meows but does not roar
The animation here impresses more than in the equally defunct Madagascar, but everything else smacks of an easy money-making exercise of such dimwitted inanity even the youngest kids will see through it.