The life of Boris Balkan has turned upside down recently when he received a satanic text from the 17th century entitled 'Nine Gates.' Boris's life was transformed when he was attracted to a conspiracy of satanic nature because the author of the book was Satan himself. In the end, Corso found himself at the center of the strange and violent events because of that surprising and terrifying book, and Boris may face many challenges because of this book.
Watching The Ninth Gate is like being force-marched through dank rooms piled high with musty books, led by drab tour guides who mutter the same pedantic points over and over.
Cinema Signals
October 29, 2004
At least the action is moved by earthbound dementia rather than by the power of a divinity.
Reel Film Reviews
July 10, 2011 ultimately does go without saying that Polanski's fans will find more to embrace here than his detractors.