Despite comically inspired vocal performances from Justin Theroux and Dave Franco as nutjob Lego versions of Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker, the action and jokes pile up with exhausting repetitiveness.
I won't give away one of the best gags, but the sight of a giant cat causing mayhem in a city built of LEGOs definitely makes up for some of the film's less inspired passages.
A pretty cynical toy advert reconfigured as a standard issue hero's journey movie, one replete with trite life lessons that make it about as entertaining as the last Kung Fu Panda film.
Just as Toy Story did by featuring an owner of the toys, it reminds us that these films are about play and imagination. Yes, they're also effectively feature-length adverts for Lego, but this is rampant capitalism at its most arch and entertaining.
The storytelling is uneven and may be difficult to understand for the younger demographic. However, that target audience will still connect to the frenetic battle scenes, sophomoric humor (butt jokes, anyone?) and engaging characters.