Living a free life with his friends, Swanson, an aging hipster that enjoys his life with his friends. When he inherits the wealth of his father, he ignores it and plays games instead.
This is a lacerating portrait of the sort of narcissistic self-loathing that has kept educated, economically comfortable young people from achieving their true potential, from Benjamin Braddock to Hannah Horvath.
If you can discern any critical distance or interesting perspective here, or even a good reason to spend 90 minutes in such company, I'm afraid the joke is on you.
Film Comment Magazine
June 28, 2013
While this could have been the perfect portrait of a certain kind of idiot, the baroque cruelties and tonal monotony go too far.
Champions what it appears to mock and indicts what it appears to glorify.
November 25, 2013
As a portrait of a generation that's almost collectively sociopathic, this is frightening. For the right audience it's also damn funny. If I wasn't so emotionally stunted and able to enjoy things unironically I'd say I loved it.