The life of a young teenager girl with supernatural powers and the cousin of Superman, Kara, has been changed completely when she has been sent in an important mission to earth, where she has to save her country from destruction, but incidents come to climax, when she finds herself involved in conflicts with an evil witch.
The plain fact is that director Jeannot Szwarc turns in a movie so ludicrous and overblown that it skips right over any semblance of logic and into a self-absorbed flight of fancy.
Miss Slater makes a four-square heroine of unrelenting sincerity; a sturdy ingenue, she is great fun to look at but hardly a live wire.
Nick Rogers
January 01, 2015
With catastrophe rotting its marrow, "Supergirl" exemplifies the wisdom in waiting to ensure a great female superhero movie. Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel will kick down very big doors. "Supergirl" knocks itself out by heedlessly running into one.