Following the struggles and adventures of an ambitious scientist named Abby Arcane, who after the death of his friend that was doing an experiments on the swamps, has gone there, in order to complete his work, but there, everything comes to climax, when he finds ouv a fatal virus in the swamp, the thing that challenges him and risks his life.
Swamp Thing has many dubious qualities, but it clearly isn't a piece of product tested and polished to a blinding gleam, and the world is duller for not letting oddball efforts like this slip into theaters once in a while.
Craven tries to do this 'veggie-man' horror in a suitable DC Comics style; and with Louis Jourdan as arch-villain 'Arcane', not to mention Adrienne Barbeau (Mrs John Carpenter) as the Thing's object of desire, he's definitely on the right track.
'Swamp Thing' may be more of a rubber monster creature feature than a truly accurate comic book adaptation, but it's a treat for fans of the movie and the graphic novels.
[The film] wants desperately to be funny and, from time to time, it is. However, you might wish it would trust the audience to discover the humor for itself.
Matt Brunson
August 17, 2013
This campy adaptation of the DC Comics series has always been the odd title out in Wes Craven's horror filmography. It's all the better for it, since it's one of the few movies from this overrated auteur that I can personally stand.