Second Act's cinematic commentary should inspire women all over the globe to never give up no matter what age. Seriously, can you really put price tag on a dreams?
The film feels as finely tailored to J. Lo as the booty-enhancing pencil skirts she wears throughout the movie: Second Act's Maya from Queens is our Jenny from the Block.
So much of the humor and so many of the situations in "Second Act" feel like warmed-over Second Helpings of a dinner from long ago. A dinner that wasn't all that memorable in the first place.
Lopez, who spends most of the film with her cleavage set on stun, is good at this sort of thing and gets particularly effective support from both her underwiring and from Leah Remini, playing her splendidly foul-mouthed best friend.
As the movie of choice after a boozy brunch or as a way to decompress after holiday stress, Second Act-goofy and cliched, but not offensively either-will do fine.
There are lots of very obvious plot points, that you know where everything is going to play out, but you kind of go along with it because we're comfortable seeing her in this role.