Maggie Peyton nursed the idea of becoming a NASCAR driver but her father thinks otherwise and so when she is allowed to get a car she has no idea that the little Volkswagen Beetle named Herbie that she chose will change her life.
I guess that wacky little car might amuse small children, but the special effects are surprisingly weak, the story is beyond clichéd and the attempt to wedge the hot NASCAR scene into the movie is just clumsy.
Christianity Today
September 28, 2006
This film will not do much to restore Disney's fortunes. Lohan does seem to want to grow up . . . but she pretty much sleepwalks through this film.
Globe and Mail
June 24, 2005
I personally did not hoot or chortle or chuckle or holler or wonder, not once.
Una muy agradable sorpresa veraniega que bien vale la pena disfrutar con la familia, con una buena bolsa de palomitas y, lo más importante, con alma de niño
April 16, 2009
The "Lohan" (Lindsay) hits a G-rated double as college grad Maggie Peyton, the daughter of a famous car racing family, opposite a self-possessed Volkswagen bug named Herbie.