Things turn into a strange and completely different turn when Snake Plissken was called back by the US government to restore the potential Doomsday device from Los Angeles. It seems a completely different adventure on the land of that island, where it's an autonomous island where unwanted deportees are deported, which may seem quite different.
A dreadful belated sequel to the entertaining Escape From New York. Perfectly epitomizes how Carpenter's skills have eroded since his late '70s, early '80s heyday.
Common Sense Media
December 14, 2010
Violent, semi-spoofy action sequel is too dark for kids.
Houston Chronicle
July 05, 2002
The special effects vary from OK to lame to very lame.
Combustible Celluloid
June 23, 2007
In a summer filled with giant duds like Independence Day or The Rock or Chain Reaction, this is the best testosterone action flick of the season.
Buscemi, Fonda, Robertson, Grier and many others get to make vivid impressions, but of course it's Russell who must carry this swiftly paced picture. As rugged as ever and attractively weathered, he does so with ease.