The comedy film revolves around a wide range of funny events. After a clumsy operation to try to catch a drug dealer, informants Jamie Monroe and Paul Hodges are suspended by N.Y.P.D for a month by Captain Roman. Jimmy decides to sell his rare baseball card to pay for the expensive wedding of his daughter while his jealous partner thinks his wife is cheating on him with his neighbor. When Jimmy sells his card to a souvenir shop, the scene is stolen by two thieves for short periods and the investigator loses his card. They are tracking thieves.
Cop Out is marvelously juvenile, not just in its typical situation comedy and sight gags, but from its ability (even desire) to frequently bring its plot to a shuddering halt so its characters can engage in a few minutes of quiet ridiculousness.
O roteiro estúpido só não se revela pior do que a direção amadora de Smith, que, também assinando a montagem, não consegue criar lógica ou estabelecer ritmo algum, demonstrando que ainda não aprendeu nem o básico da profissão depois de tantos anos.
MSN Movies
February 26, 2010
It just wants to remind audiences of something they've enjoyed before, like looking at an old photo album.