The movie is about aliens planning to invade the Earth, who have Anglicized their Remulakian surname to 'Conehead'. But due to a malfunction, they find themselves plunged into the Hudson River and forced to take up residence in Paramus, New Jersey where Beldar gets work as an appliance salesman and makes a deal for a phony social security card.
Coneheads falls flat about as often as it turns funny, and displays more amiability than style.
May 16, 2008
Its transition to the big screen suggests an idea that was plotted on the back of a beer mat when the creators were too pickled to stand up straight. One wishes they had passed out before they were so inspired.
Curtin and Aykroyd rely on old standbys... When that doesn't work, which mostly it doesn't, they try grossing us out with a series of revolting Remulakian childbirth jokes.