The film centers on honor-driven Sgt. Eddie Cusack who is caught in a middle of a gang war while his own comrades shun him because he wants to take an irresponsible cop down.
This was the 80s when Star Wars pushed all movies to include a robot, no matter how silly it was... if you can look past this ludicrousness, there's a solid third act
An engaging feature, smartly cast, while showing a little more sophistication than the genre typically receives. It's too bad Norris couldn't make a few more of these before the Cannon Films curse claimed his marquee value for good.
The program, however, is by no means the worst effort Norris has ever participated in and the ending, in which he single-handedly wipes out an entire brigade of bad guys, has a certain heroic charm to it.
April 23, 2007
Kickin', jabbin' Chuck Norris actioner. Stick with reruns of his TV fare.
Apollo Guide
February 13, 2001
Walker: Texas Ranger - The Early Years
Ozus' World Movie Reviews
May 19, 2017
Though it's your typical formulaic violent action picture, in the model of Dirty Harry, it has more intelligence than expected.