Completing the adventures and excitement where the last season stops that follows a group of slaves, who under the leadership of Noah, a courageous guy, plan for escaping to have their freedom. In this new season, Noah is missed and Rosalee searches for him.
The second season of WGN's slaves-on-the-run saga shows no signs of sophomore slump. It's just as audacious as ever, combining American history (the Underground Railroad) with plot swerves right out 24.
It may not be an historic account, but its understanding of the complicated soul of history, particularly this history, makes these new chapters remarkable viewing.
Underground remains most notable for its great versatility... it's a show of explosive action beats, with a modern soundtrack and more attitude than just about anything on TV.
Underground, WGN America's thrilling slavery-era drama, begins its second season Wednesday with a heightened sense of urgency - rooted in the past, but tethered to the present.