An action-adventurous series that follows a brave monster hunter named Geralt. During one of his adventures, Geralt meets a young princess with a witch. After talking to them, he finds out that they carry a dangerous secret. Geralt begins a new but different adventure trying to protect them and reach the target.
The Witcher comes through as a faithful rendition of the novels, with an intriguing mystery at its core and an intensely charismatic performance from Cavill that helps carry the series through its low points.
With the demise of Game of Thrones, The Witcher feels like a natural successor with its royal family intrigue, waves of bloody violence, and sporadic sexuality - plus it has the added bonus of not taking itself overly seriously.
If you're utterly devoted to the world of The Witcher, you'll certainly enjoy the familiar aesthetic and characters, but beyond that, this series is hard to recommend.
Despite having produced shows such as A Series of Unfortunate Events and The Dark Crystal, The Witcher might just be Netflix's most elaborate niche project in recent memory.