This drama series revolves around the life of a news anchor named Will McAvoy. The Atlantis Cable News Channel experiences a change in their newsroom when the previous team members decide to leave the show and jump to another one. Now, Will McAvoy has no other option but to work with his new colleagues, which brings unanticipated fruition.
Monstrously misconceived and incompetently executed, powered by a high-octane blend of arrogance and contempt, The Newsroom is an epochal failure, a program destined for television's all-time What Were They Thinking?
Ultimately, no one appears more deluded than Sorkin. His Will McAvoy is an insufferable blowhard, but the show spends most of its energy trying to convince us he's a saint.
The biggest problem with The Newsroom - and it's one of many, many problems - is that its goals and its narrative strategies are in direct conflict with each other.
Speechifying, crusading characters and high drama are acceptable when the future of the free world is at risk; less so when it's the future of an 11pm cable news show.