Season 10 begins with a series of challenges where two bakers go home after completing their mission. During a short period of challenge, the first stage will be characterized by the creation of a new fruit cake at that stage while the technique is an old classic requiring extraordinary decoration by the contestants. Over time, contestants must create the birthday cake they wish to make ideally and may be ideally received.
Bake Off remains a constant in this otherwise sugar-free life. A place where catastrophe is a dropped cake that can always be squashed back together. Welcome home, nan.
Eventually, the specter of the double elimination will loom large and cast a pall on the proceedings. For now, however, fans seem poised for another entertaining, diverting season of Bake Off fun.
After a quiet two months of TV, especially for Love Island refuseniks, it was sheer delight to fall back into the bosom of this irresistibly cosy contest.