A drama series follows the Roy family and the conflict that arouses between Logan Roy, who runs one of the most famous media and entertainment company in the world, and his four sons about their future after he had decided to leave his job at the company.
When it comes to a group of impossibly rich and grossly ambitious people all trying to undermine each other, comedy is easy to find. But Succession is a better and sharper series when it finds a relatable kind of sadness in its characters...
It's off to a more interesting start than several recent HBO shows (I'm looking at you, Here and Now) and the pedigree of the cast and crew should keep the production engaging.
Cox is always entertaining, and there is some good dialogue in the show, although it's hard at times to really care which of his scheming children is ascendant.
"Succession" is elevated by Cox's turn. He looks like late director Robert Altman in the role, and he brings a little bit of Shakespearean weight as he patriarchs the hell out of his family.