Following the exciting story of this reality series which describes a competition between many designers, who should do their best to convince the judges in their designs and have the chance to continue in this competition till the end. So, season one of this series begins with much more excitement when the designers arrived to the US, especially New York and starts the first challenge now, where they must design something great to convince the judges in front of them and the whole needs will take them from the grocery store.
A perfect time capsule of mid-2000s reality TV, a niche-market competition show that struck a perfect balance between drama, compelling design, and hilarious contestants.
What made Project Runway different from many of the "reality" television shows was that it highlighted some real creativity and intellect, and its contestants had to produce something.
It's easy to get sucked into this admittedly addictive show. For kids serious about design, it offers a peek into the nasty side of the fashion industry -- what's behind the glitz and glitter and bling.