The series begins with a series of adventures that express a fascinating scientific imagination. The series begins with a large team of scientists who join Nightflyer, where the task of the team is to search for the universe's wonder and connect with a strange and different world from our world. Eris resorted to bold measures to restore balance after his failure, and D'Branin puts his team first and may be spreading a state of panic continued between everyone.
But Nightflyers lacks that film's sci-fi/horror gravitas; it's murky at best, both in its storyline and its character development, and grinds along at a snail's pace trying to construct its elaborate scenario.
Despite the overt sexualization of the leading female characters, there is a lot of compelling subtext. What is perception? What is truth? How objective are our memories and how much do they define us as people and as a species?
The desire to catch lightning in a bottle in the way that "Thrones" did is certainly understandable... but "Nightflyers" merely reinforces that such alchemy is exceedingly rare... the new series is at best a pallid pretender.
Think of it as a kindred spirit to Alien and Event Horizon, with a dash of Cronenberg and the Wachowskis thrown into the mix-albeit quite a bit crazier than those illustrious genre brethren.
Over five episodes sent to critics, Nightflyers layers in the creepiness, without rising above "unsettling" into "scary." Even if attempted jump-cut scares never sink in, Nightflyers sometimes replaces frights with low-level gross-out moments.